Niki Dettman Headshot
Niki Dettman, CEO The Desertsong Group

Niki Dettman has more than 20 years of experience in marketing, public affairs and non-profit management experience. Currently, she is the CEO of The Desertsong Group, a consulting firm that specializes in non-profit growth and development. Ms. Dettman is also a certified trainer in Effective Black Parenting. She previously served as Chair of the California Network of Family Strengthening Networks and has been a speaker at their annual Convening. She also currently serves on the Executive Board of the Making Hope Happen Foundation. Mrs. Dettman also successfully served as the President of the San Bernardino City Unified School District African-American Advisory Council from 2015–2018.
She has also been a featured speaker at several conferences, including the San Bernardino County Children’s Network Conference, on the topics of effective parenting, marketing, fundraising and effective social media practices. An accredited Non-Profit Executive, Ms. Chambers is an alumnus of the University of California, Berkeley.