
P.E.T.AL. blooms leaders in schools!

Have you heard about our P.E.T.A.L. program?  It stands for:


So, what’s it all about?  Here are our program elements:

Culture & Leadership
Engages girls in partnership with both formal and informal women leaders in their
community to celebrate their heritage as leaders, develop and practice leadership and
advocacy skills, and construct community action projects. This module includes critical
thinking skills, the ability to articulate abstract concepts, and thinking before speaking.
Empathy Development
Shows girls the difference between understanding and agreeing, how to listen without
judging, and genuine apology skills. This module includes how to disagree, how to clearly
assert thoughts without aggression, and the value of diversity and the opinion of others,
as well as increasing self-esteem, self-respect and self-worth. Social responsibility and
global awareness/citizenship, including the importance of developing a personal point of
view, intercultural competencies, and behaving consciously to effect positive change in
the world.
Advocacy and Activism
Includes the importance of righting wrongs, how to confidently stand up for core beliefs,
replacing self-defeating speech, and embracing failure. Girls deepen their understanding
of girls and women as social change agents and of leadership as a collective process
grounded in belonging to and having responsibility for one’s community . The first phase
of the program focuses on strengthening girls’ skills and their knowledge of and
appreciation for female leadership in the context of community .
Family Support and Engagement
Studies show that parent engagement is a huge factor in student success. We understand
the critical role parents and families will need to play in this program. We utilize elements of the Standards of Family Strengthening and Support.

  • Family Centeredness: Working with a family-centered approach that values and recognizes families as integral to the Program.
  • Family Strengthening: Utilizing a family strengthening approach to support
    families to be strong, healthy , and safe, thereby promoting their optimal development.
  • Embracing Diversity: Acknowledging and respecting families’ diversity , supporting their participation in a diverse society , as well as engaging in ongoing learning and adaptation to diversity.

Interested in bringing this program to your school site? Contact us today!


So Brand New

The term “brand” has become one of those words that has been overused. If we had a dollar for every time we heard the phrase ‘brand’ , we’d be millionaires. But more a lucrative situation would be if we had a dollar for every time we heard a misconception about what branding is. It might be easier to start with what a brand ISN’T .
A brand is not:
• your logo
• your tagline
• your product
• your service
All of these things can be expressions of your brand but they are not your brand.
Here’ s the simplest way we here at The Desertsong Group define brand: Branding is about the promise of a distinct, memorable experience. It’ s about creating an expectation and delivering it consistently every time anyone comes into contact with your brand whether it’ s the way you answer the phone, how your website functions, your customer service process, how your office looks or how your product/service performs.